KatnNat talk with Erica Lopez, Executive Director of Variety – the Children’s Charity of the United States about their 2020 Gold Heart Pin Campaign, and its ties to the upcoming release of Dreamworks Trolls World Tour on Friday, April 10, 2020. You can purchase a Trolls collectible pin for $3 plus S&H online at usvariety.org/gold-hearts – and help contribute to the $1-3 million annually raised by this program.
Variety focuses on multiple unmet needs of children who are sick, disadvantaged or live with disabilities and other special needs at a local and national level. Their aim is to maximize the real long term positive social impact for all children.
“We believe a lot of kids should be seen for what they can do, and Variety steps in to help fill the gap so they have all the tools that they need in order to be able to achieve…”
Erica Lopez, Executive Director of Variety
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US Variety currently has 21 chapters in 15 states. In the podcast, Erica describes work that chapters are doing, including a Variety Theatre featuring children and teens of all abilities in St Louis; sensory backpacks for inclusive movie experiences at B&B Theatres nationwide; and programs like the Care, Freedom and Future programs for essential medical equipment, mobility and communication, and social inclusion programs.
Follow US Variety on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram
We’d like to thank Erica for a number of firsts with this podcast – it’s our first “quarantine” podcast during the 2020 Corona Virus pandemic, our first interview where we weren’t able to interview together, a first for California, and our first coverage of a charitable organization.
The KatnNat World Tour has reached California, Hawaii, Illinois, New York, Utah and Washington. If you’d like to be on our show, email info@dadnnat.com or reach out to us on social media!