Life has a tendency to move things along, and we’re experiencing some life change that reflected in the podcast. KatnNat is still here, but has to pause for a while. This doesn’t mean the podcasts stop though – we’ll just be podcasting as DadnNat in the interim.
On the morning of Thursday, July 27 2020 our Katie of KatnNat Podcast stepped onto a plane bound for Houston, Texas to begin her mission with her church. Before she left, in her first email to us she mentions the book The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell who explains “The Hero’s Journey”, that begins with a call to action. The mythical hero goes through trials and roadblocks, meeting both allies and villains, with one goal in mind: The Return. Katie is responding to her call, and there is no doubt that this was a coming-of-age adventure for her. She returned after her 18 months as a missionary were fulfilled, but is now working to complete her degree in Special Education and some internships that are necessary for the future she is building.
So where, exactly, does this leave the KatnNat Podcast? There are still stories to tell from people who are part of the spirit and heart of a unified generation. Most importantly, Katie and Natalie want to continue sharing those stories, and we think we have found a way.
Going forward, we’ll be podcasting as DadnNat Podcast. Natalie and her dad (aka the goat, aka the vampire hedgehog, aka Gargamel) will continue to host interviews and post in the KatnNat Podcast space. We are excited to bring a monthly lineup that will be fun and continue the spirit of our program. Admittedly, Natalie’s dad is not a replacement for Katie – but it allows Natalie to continue to use her voice while Katie is away.
We’re just going to jump in and do this.